Relocation Services

This service is designed to provide the Expatriate and family with a general overview of the assignment location. ZARIA provides a general accompanied area tour, housing and schooling overviews and arranges for and shows a minimum of three sample properties that best meets the needs of the assignee/ family based on the needs assessment questionnaire that is filled prior to arrival.
This is not designed to find an actual home.
ZARIA Mobility will therefore:
  • Research on the feedback based on the needs assessment questionnaire filled by the Expatriate.
  • Liaise with client for requirements and budget
  • Meets the Expatriate at the hotel or office to provide the itinerary for the Look See
  • Take the Expatriate for a comprehensive orientation tour of the assignment location. This covers residential suburbs, shopping malls, restaurants, hospitals, entertainment/ leisure facilities, clubs e.g.  Muthaiga or Karen clubs, etc.
  • House viewing with the Expatriate to a number of selected properties popular with Expatriates
  • Provide the Expatriate with schooling options and availabilities based on the needs of the Expatriate as per the needs assessment questionnaire and will also advice on the options in the Kenyan market

Time frame: Three days

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